IJISEA - Confrence Guidelines
To collaborate with different Colleges/Universities/Institutional organizers to provide help and facilities to run one Conference successfully.
To provide a World Class Publication platform for the Organizers to Publish the research papers form the International /National Conference
The basic objective of this Organization is to bring together academicians and experts from different parts of the country and abroad to exchange knowledge and ideas. This will provide an in-depth analysis of subjects and update the knowledge of the participants from academic/research institutions.
Association Benefits:
Design, Maintain, and Host conference website, Managing the paper submission process, Reviewing and consolidating the papers, Maintaining Communication with Authors
Arrange Keynote speakers, IJISEA Branding & Technical Co-Sponsorship, Professional marketing of the conference, Editing, Formatting and Typesetting, Providing ISBN/ISSN for publication, Copyright protection for the research
Possible Indexing & Abstracting, Post-conference Sales & Distribution, Possible Special Issue of the Journal, Extended Paper Publication in Journals.
For more details contact : editor@ijisea.org