IJISEA Reviewers


Dr. A.Vanaja

Associate Professor ,Department of Physics , Kallam Haranadareddy institute of Science and Technology , Guntur , Andrapradesh , India

Email: vanajatunuguntla@gmail.com


Mr M. Venkata Rao

Assistant Professor ,Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Amrita Sai Institute of Science and Technology , Kanchikacherla , Krishna , Andrapradesh , India

Email: Venkat1185@gmail.com


Mr G.Siva Kumar

Assistant Professor ,Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Amrita Sai Institute of Science and Technology , Kanchikacherla , Krishna , Andrapradesh , India

Email: sivakumar889@gmail.com


Mr B.Murali Krishna

Associate Professor,Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Shines College of Technology , Andrapradesh , India

Email: muralikrishna.boddu@shct.edu.in


Mr P Bapaiah

Associate Professor,Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , VKR VNB College of Engineering ,Gudiwada, Andrapradesh , India

Email: pagolubapaiah@gmail.com
